My not-so-little girl reading herself a book in her room
This morning, my good friend Danielle came over with lunch for herself, Caroline, and me so that we could have a chance to catch up. D is an attorney downtown and is working on a big case that goes to trial next month - interestingly enough, to all of you parents out there, about diapers and false advertising! Once the trial wraps up I just may have more to post on that, but I digress. We had a nice little lunch and visit on the deck before heading back inside to the AC. Caroline was entertaining herself by carrying around a little cup with water inside a small basket. As expected, she eventually spilled it, but in one of those "Ahhhhhhh!!!!"/heavens opening up/lightbulb moments, she turned around and said, in her sweet little baby voice but still clearly enough to understand, "Uh-oh - need towel," and proceeded to grab the dish towel that was hanging up next to the sink and mopped up the mess.As the mother of a toddler, I sometimes lose focus of the impact I'm having on my daughter. You get so bogged down with the mundane day-to-day stuff that you miss the little milestones that add up to the great person you hope your kid will become. I don't get that many of those super-proud, "I did that" moments, but today's will most likely carry me through for some time. Just thought I would share with the masses... Hope your day is as simple/inspired/fulfilling as mine just became!
First of all, how much do I love that she was walking around with a cup of water - in a basket?! What a girl! And now a socially responsible one at that! Congratulations on raising such a thoughtful and helpful daughter!
So cute. I love the pic of her bedroom!
Kids surprise us in the simplest ways. I sneezed yesterday and my 2yo said "bess you" and I wanted to cry. They're little people!! So cute.
Oh my gosh - that is SO ADORABLE! I know what you mean - I got a little (almost) teary-eyed yesterday too! It's nice to know that eventually they begin to reciprocate some of the things we do for them... Thanks for stopping by!
I'd like to think it was my good influence that put her over the edge;) Loved our visit yesterday and I must say, Caroline has the best manners. Please and thank yous all around.
What a sweetheart!
Are you still around? Hope you're OK!
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