So we've been more than a little MIA over the past few months! I am so sorry for that - it seems that being a blogger and dealing with a busy summer were a bit too much for me! Things are finally settling down though, and I am back and running - just gotta bite the bullet and not let any more time pass before writing in again. If I wait any longer, I might never be able to catch up! So here's what we've been up to this summer...
1) We've finally moved! Although we're still dealing with some construction (more on that in another post...), unpacking, and decorating, we've got the basic bones of what we need (mainly, an elevator... more on that in another post, too!), and that's what counts. I feel like our workers are going to move in with us and live here forever, but at least they are nice and really good with Caroline. :) BTW, if anyone in the DC Metro area is looking for a really good builder/renovator, we definitely reccommend Hemingway Homes in Bethesda - they have been beyond fabulous! I promise to post some pictures soon, especially of some of the before and after.
2) We sold our other house! We were lucky - even in this market, we got an offer after about 40 days. We went to settlement the Monday after we moved in to our new home. We felt good because it was going to a really nice older couple who could benefit from the one-floor living that the house provided us, and the fact that they had no plans to tear it down and build a McMansion (which is common in our old neighborhood) made me happy - I don't like change, so it's nice to imagine that our house is like the one in one of my favorite children's books, The Little House, where everything around the house changes but the house for the most part stays the same.
3) Steve finished his thesis and is officially finished with his MS in Engineering at Hopkins! It has been a REALLY long road for all of us (him, in particular!), and the past 8 months while he was writing what turned out to be an over-400-page document has been hard. I didn't realize how much I missed him until I had him back again! He even got an A - not that I'm surprised! I am so happy for him about that - it's nice to know that all your hard work and time away from work, family, and friends has paid off. We were really smart with our timing - he defended his thesis on a Friday afternoon, we moved on Saturday, and sold our house on Monday. Nothing like cramming in all the life changes into one weekend, which brings me to my next bit of news...
4) We're expecting our second baby! I'm a little over 16 weeks, or 4 months, along, and I'm due in February. I held back about posting the news when we first found out earlier this summer because I wanted to wait a bit, and then time just got away and life got crazy for me. I'm feeling good after a long first trimester - not sure if it was the baby or the move or both, but I'm glad it's better. We are really excited and although I'm a bit nervous about the whole two-kid thing, I'm sure we'll figure it out. Caroline taught me that. I'll keep you posted on how things are going in the upcoming weeks and months!
5) ...And finally, last but not least, our baby girl Caroline turned two in August and started pre-school last week! I can't believe how fast time has flown - she is such a little person now and totally not a baby. On the first day, after we got her out of the car, she bolted straight for the front door and didn't even notice us following her because she was so excited to get in there. While I have to admit part of me was hoping she'd at least realize that she and I would no longer be hanging out together every day like the wacky sidekicks we've become, I was also really proud of her for jumping right in and gearing up for her next adventure. Ultimately, that's the kind of kid that we are trying so hard to raise, and it was cool to see that spirit in her, even so early in her little life.
Aside from a few trips to the Bay here and there, that's what our summer has basically been all about - house, thesis, baby, getting ready for school. I can't wait until things are put together and we can all calm down - which will probably be just in time for Number 2's arrival. Isn't that the way it's supposed to be, though?!
Until next time - and I promise it won't be too long...
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Posted by
The Pink Totebag
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
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CONGRATS! I'm so glad you are back and with such wonderful news. I can't wait to hear more details. Hope you are feeling well!
Thanks! I've missed you all, too. Now that I've written again, I can't believe I've been away for so long (and not reading other peoples' pages, either - I have so much catching up to do!!! I love your blog, by the way. Your spirit is pretty amazing, and I really like your outlook. I'll be reading often, so keep writing!
You've been missed! Best wishes with the pregnancy, what fantastic news! Glad you're getting settled in your new home!
Thanks for welcoming me back, Mom x 2! You are too sweet...
I am relieved to see that the Menser girl haircut lives on - stylized of course- but the spirit of the bowl is there. Congrats and love to everyone.
Congrats!! There are so many of us preppy bloggers who are expecting early next year! It's so good to hear from you again...can't wait to ctach up on everything.
Yea!! Hooray for you guys on all fronts! What exciting times!
I can't wait to see pics of the new house and get my fill of Caroline updates!
Welcome back! Many congrats on all of the exciting news.
Thanks, JD, TCP, and Jax! I'm glad I haven't lost my blog friends since I kind of ditched you all this summer. Can't wait to catch up on all your news from the past couple of months.
Congratulations!!! And welcome back! I have really missed reading you!
Congratulations!!! And welcome back! I have really missed reading you!
Hey there! Welcome back. I am just back myself! I also managed to delete my entire blog, but I am back up again (I have been posting like CRAZY tonight while John is out!!)
Congrats on #2! That is super exciting.
Glad to hear that Caroline is ok. Febrile seizures can be SO scary. A friend of mine deal with them with her kids. (yup, both of them) The older one (3.5) seems to have out grown them.
Congrats on the move too! I can't wait to see the pics. I love before and after.
Again, welcome back!
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