My good friend Tina forwarded this article from The Washington Post to me this afternoon, just in time to send a little validation my way! I consider myself lucky to not have (I think) friends like the woman who wrote the letter, but thought it was worth the post anyway, if nothing but to give everyone a little laugh, as well as a little perspective. It's pretty spot-on with what I find myself facing on the day-to-day with my two-year-old. Happy reading (and feel free to click on the article image to enlarge, if necessary)!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Posted by
The Pink Totebag
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
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Ha! I was pleasantly surprised when reading the article that it wasn't a typical "sahm vs. wohm" debate. But equally perplexing is who is this woman? I'll admit, I don't have many close friends who don't have children. In fact, I can only think of one who is a dear friend who doesn't have kids. She works her ass off 60+ hours a week at a job and I still feel like she has more free time than I do. But she also "gets" my "job" and would never question what I do all day.
On the other hand, I've never let motherhood be my excuse for not keeping up with friends. In fact, motherhood really makes you prioritize and I'd say if I didn't keep it contact with you, you weren't that close of a friend to begin with. My true friends, I've kept up with them!
Me too! Or at least I try to. I know sometimes I get behind, but my good friends without kids always seem to understand and forgive me for it - as they also get busy from time to time with all the stuff they are doing at their jobs. That's what makes them such good friends - we are all happy when we finally do have the time to catch up with each other! Maybe we're just lucky not to have this one letter-writing chica around! Thanks for the insightful comment... :)
I feel blessed that my two best friends, one in NY and one in VA, don't feel the same way as the woman who wrote Carolyn. Even if a lot of time has passed since we touched "base", we always pick up from where we last left it.
LOVE it, LOVE it!!
Amen to that.
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