Monday, April 21, 2008


When I headed to our favorite childrens' shoe store with Caroline last week, I wanted to get these for her:

Instead, this is the kind of stuff was overrunning the shelves:

To be fair, there were some simple styles to be found, but alas, they would not fit my daughter's size-6 EW feet. Our very knowledgeable salesman Bill actually chuckled when I asked him if they carried plain white canvas Keds with the rubber toe like I wore back when I was a toddler - before he explained to me that 1) they weren't big sellers these days, and 2) most shoe companies didn't cater to the extra-wide sized toddler shoe set.

So here's my rant: When you walk into a childrens' shoe store these days, why does it look like someone came in and threw up sequins, blinking lights, velcro, and rhinestones all over the girls' shoe section? While I find the Lelly Kellis that my in-laws bought Caroline and the Crocs my sister Suzy gave her for Christmas to be quite cute (and I know she'll love both of them), she won't be able to wear them day to day, hence the hunt for some very classic, white summer shoes. I have looked everywhere, in every price range, from Nordstrom to Payless, Stride-Rite to Chez Target. No luck. Sigh. Here's what I ended up purchasing at the shoe store:

While they aren't my first choice (the butterfly cut-outs aren't quite how I roll...), they aren't too bad, and most importantly, they fit my little nugget's feet the best. Sadly, even the Keds website doesn't sell the sneakers in her width. Maybe I'll just have to settle for a pair of blinking Dora the Explorer tennies instead - not.


Tippy said...

I am shocked that you didn't find anything at Stride-Rite! That would be where I would look for wides and classic styles. Do you have a Nordstrom nearby? Or maybe try Zappos (I know this isn't ideal but you can always return those that don't fit). I hate sequins and leopard too. Luckily with boys, I only have to sidestep blinking lights and cartoon characters. I pretty much stick to Geox for my older guy because they're made so well.

The Pink Totebag said...

I know! Stride Rite seems to be my go-to brand these days - at least they seem to understand that babies have wide feet! Unfortunately the most plain shoes only came in sizes up to wide (ne EW). I've tried Zappos and Nordstrom, but no luck. At least during the Fall and Winter it seems to be easier. Can't wait until she can wear flip-flops during the summer - that will take care of alot of these issues... :)

TCP said...

I can's almost as bad for boys as it is for girls. I am constantly dodging camo and superheroes. And we have to get wides, too, so if you find a great kids shoe store that stocks wides, let me know!

Julie said...

First of all, I love your favorite shoe store. That's where I used to get my shoes when I was little. Mr. J was there then and he's still there now. Second, I loved my Keds. Every spring I went in and got a new pair of 9N. They looked like long, skinny boats until they were dirtied up a little. We asked if they carried them anymore at Shoe Train when we took Max for his first shoes (not for Max of course, just out of curiosity) and we were told the same thing. And lastly, my little man wears an EW also and many of my friends have said the same, so why don't these shoe companies make more EW shoes for the tots? The shoes you ended up getting are adorable, and I'm sure Caroline will really enjoy them. Sorry it was such a headache.

The 5 Bickies said...

I am with you in the shoe dpt. I was about to go in to a boutique today for a simple ked and decided to wait and hit nike instead. Too much glitter and a big battle!

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

Oh no! I was going to suggest Payless and Stride Rite. My cousin's son has extra wide tootsies too (we joke that they are practially square!) and those are pretty much the only stores where she can consistently find shoes for him. Good luck!