Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Today was Caroline's last Ballet Tea Party Class at Kidville. She had so much fun during the past 16 weeks, and her instructors were really great at helping her learn some of the basics of ballet. I was really amazed that she actually learned several proper terms for some of the positions and moves (even if she is still a two-year-old in her execution of them!). We're sad that the class is over since we had a great time each week with the other little girls and their moms. Here are a few pictures from our last day...

Warming up in "butterfly" pose
The rainbow rope

Practicing posse'
Getting ready to head to the balance beam
Waiting for turn to do her "solo"
Jete' (leaps) during her solo

Releve' (tippy toes!)
Her favorite part - tea (water) and cookies with an Angelina Ballerina story

Showing Mommy her certificate - it was our last class!

1 comment:

cancersucks said...

I'm so jealous!! How did you get a shout out on the Lilly P a colorful blog?! I want a shout out to cheer me up. You rock!